Safely Awaken Your Intuition For Accurate Tarot Readings


This article was originally posted (by me) in answer to a question on social media. It is an overview of safe and gradual intuitive development in accordance with the right hand path of mysticism/spirituality (etc.).

A theory of developing intuition

Instinct vs intuition

When I was a toddler my family took me to Turkey and sat by a riverside reseaurant made mostly of wooden decking. Part of the decking had cushions rather than chairs. This part of the restaurant also had no barrier. Somehow I fell into the water. Immediately, my father dove into the water, full clothed, and found me in spite of the water’s opacity. His instinct saved my life.

Now imagine that you are driving alone on a motorway. You are supposed to turn left at the intersection but an inner voice tells you to continue straight. You find this strange but do it anyway because the inner voice was very compelling. A few minutes later you turn on the local radio and hear of a large accident in the left lane that you would have gone down, at the exact minute that you would have entered it. Your intuition just saved your life.

The two barriers to intuition

Intuition is a natural part of you but there are problems which prevent you from using it. The first problem is you don't listen to it because there is usually some interference. Get rid of the interference and it will be there.

Where does the interference come from? In two words; your lower self. That is, your body and physical brain. Intuition cannot be limited entirely to your physical brain since there is no mechanism for you to know things at a distance. That is a psychic phenomenon. For you to have been warned about the motorway accident, you must have had some conscious mechanism that is psychic. Call this your higher self. Your higher self is where your intuition comes from. Awakening this higher self is the second problem.

Removing the two barriers to intuition

First, how do you block out interference? You need to get conscious control of your lower self. Quite literally you need self-control, emotional regulation, control of your thoughts, and the ability to relax so completely that you blank your mind and no longer feel your body. You can do this through meditation, moral development and so on.

How do you awaken your higher self? In a word, earnestness. Thus, people recommend that you inflame yourself with prayer, invoke often and similar things.


Intuition is a natural ability of the higher mind which is latent in most people. Intuition is also interfered with by the lower mind. So to develop intuition, we need to control the lower mind and awaken the higher mind. We do this essentially through the restrictive practises of temperance, virtue and concentration (achieved through simple meditation) and the aspirational practise of prayer and mystical/religious devotion.


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